
 Freeware Logo






Websafe colour images


Update log for the site:

17.07.2014: Link check and corrections. Removed links to a.c.f. F.A.Q and Pricelessware (both long gone). Removed 6 entries in the "logo sites" page. I have not searched for new ones... 20.749 visitors in nine and a half years. NB: On February 23th 2014 these pages were moved from freewarelogo.vegard2.no to freewarelogo.vegard2.net. (v.1.51)

31.05.2011: Link check and corrections. Removed Joel Graebes site. Added site to Brian Arthur Robertson, Manitoulin Island Web Design: Freeware Page, Marjaap.nl - van Marja Landman en Jaap Bijsmans, Free Software Initiative. Changed url to Herman's Web corner. Removed e-mail to Ronald Sandee. 18.100 unique visitors in six and a half year. (v.1.50)

Updated contact page due to the death of Ronald Sandee.

12.04.2009: Link check and corrections. Corrected links to Google Groups from the 'History page'. Link to SOS removed (dead). Links to 'logo sites' Freeware Wiki, Clif Notes Newsletter, Atomic Freeare, Oceans Of Freeware, and 50 Pluss Stuff Freeware removed. No homepage for Ronald Sandee anymore (unknown). Added Zangaro (Italian freeware page/site) and Joel Graebe's freeware page. 15.000 unique visitors in four years and four and a half month. (v.1.40) 

08.01.2007:  New "logo sites" added: Herman Boels' Web Corner, Derring Technologies, Atomic Freeware, Mbmacks computer page, Oceans of freeware. Removed link to Tony Smith. Add links to "Websafe colour images" and "Logo sites" on all pages (left menu and bottom brackets). Links check and small bug fixes. 8.150 unique visitors in two years. (v. 1.30)

01.01.2006: New "logo sites" added (Freeware Wiki, Clif Notes Newsletter, a.c. f. information pages on Pricelessware) and removed (Henk De Jong's 'Links to Freeware', Buzzy's Stall Wall, FORT Freeware / Quantum). Added Ronald Sandee's new collection of websafe colour images. Corrected a link to google groups in history page. Changed all external links to open in same window instead of of in new windows. 3.800 unique visitors first year. (v.1.20) 

10.09.2005: '50 Pluss Stuff Freeware' added to the list of sites using the Freeware Logo. Corrected the 'Please Link to' URL since it still linked the the old site (changed host 27.07.2005). (v.1.14)

08.07.2005: Updated link to a.c.f. on Google Groups. Removed some dead links and fixed some others. Links to google newsgroups threads added on History page. Added page with list of sites who uses the Freeware Logo. 7 months = 2.350 unique visitors. (v.1.13)

: Removed link to pricelessware.org (not updated since September 2004), also removed update information on other pages than index.html. (v.1.12)

: A couple of bug fixes only... (v.1.11)

: Made a proper site for the freeware logo with rules, history, images, vote results, contact page etc. (v.1.1)

04.12.2004: Started with the contest page as index.html (v.1.00)

acf google


Pricelessware 1

a.c.f. F.A.Q

Pricelessware 2

earth  earth  earth  earth

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